Information For New Guests
Looking for wavy, curly, and coily guests who are committed to healthy hair. If you are straightening your hair in any way, please consider waiting to visit me till you are ready to be 'all in' with your hair in its best natural appearance.
I have a high volume of new requests. The most efficient way to obtain an appointment is by the New Guest Online Consultation Form and joining the VIP Wait List. This way you will be notified of a cancelation as one is available.
Color services are not for first time customers. An in-person consultation or a previous hair cut appointment where we have discussed your options is required.
Recomended first time service
Transformation and curly cut ~ $220 and up
You come to me with your curly hair clean and styled, with minimal product. I will perform a dry curly cut, a complete chelating/clarifying treatment, cleanse, conditioning/hydrating session and style along with coaching you through products, application techniques and my favorite tips and tricks, then your curls will be cut a second time to fine tune your style. Expect to spend 120-150 minutes with me.